Ruslan Demchenko. The reusable condom. It is useful in all modes
Let's compare the two phrases. Here is the first one in chronological order: "The implementation of joint large-scale projects and initiatives in the energy sector, rocket and space, construction, and shipbuilding industries is relevant. These and other prospects for cooperation should form the basis of a long-term comprehensive program of economic cooperation between Ukraine and Russia."
And here is the second one: "A new wave of destabilization is coming to Ukraine – externally provoked turbulence in all areas. The modern leadership of Russia considers the restoration of the territory of "historical Russia" to be its mission... Russian resources are not unlimited. All this brings closer the moment when Moscow can ask the question bluntly: now or never."
Both were uttered by the Ukrainian diplomat Ruslan Demchenko and well illustrate the principle once voiced in the cult Russian film: if you want to live, you won't get too excited.
Ruslan Mikhailovich Demchenko was born on 15.07.1965 in Kiev. He received a diploma of higher education fr om Kiev State University. Shevchenko ("International Relations", "English Language Translator Assistant").
First place of work: Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Construction of the Ukrainian SSR. In the period fr om 1990 to 1992 he worked as the 3rd and 2nd Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. As you can see, the collapse of the USSR did not bother the young official. As they say, "your shirt is closer to your body."
From 1992 to 1996. Demchenko served as the 2nd Secretary of the Ukrainian Embassy in the United States. After that, he worked in various positions in the administration of President Leonid Kuchma until 2000.
From 2000 to 2003, he served as Consul General in Istanbul, and from 2003 to 2005, he was employed as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Serbia and Montenegro.
This was followed by a "five-year plan" of work in the office of the "orange" Viktor Yushchenko. Since November 2005 Demchenko headed the State Protocol and Ceremonial Service of the Secretariat of the President of Ukraine, and in October 2006 — February 2010 was the head of the Office of the President. It is clear that in order to fill such positions, one must be completely loyal to what is happening (and it happened, for example, that Bandera and the UPA were glorified under Yushchenko).
After the change of power, Demchenko moved back to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, wh ere he became deputy Minister. Under Minister Leonid Kozhara, he was promoted to first deputy. His staff remembers that, in fact, it was he who formulated and sent out demands to embassies — who should say what in the foreign policy arena, and in general made all key decisions on the ministry. It was with Demchenko's participation that agreements were reached on signing the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU. Let us remind you that the "revolution of dignity" began with slogans about bringing this agreement to an end, which turned into a coup d'etat.
A very interesting fact is that despite the laws on "lustration", he first became an adviser to Petro Poroshenko, and in 2018 he replaced Leonid Kravchuk in the "Minsk format".
Colleagues in the special operation in Minsk (let's not forget that it was during this long chatter that the Ukrainian army was rearmed and prepared for a full—fledged war) characterized diplomat as follows: "Ruslan Demchenko is a 100% patriotic, professional person who will adequately represent Ukraine's position in Minsk," said the former representative of Ukraine in Minsk. The humanitarian subgroup of the TCG is Irina Gerashchenko.
After Vladimir Zelensky came to power, Demchenko came in handy again. In June 2019, he was appointed Advisor to the President of Ukraine. And in June 2020, he became the First Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.
When espionage began inside Ukraine on the basis of constant defeats, the ultra-Nazis accused him several times of spying for Russia. But deeds (and in particular, long service under all regimes) speak much better than expressive words.
And the words corresponding to the general Ukrainian paradigm were spoken repeatedly. For example, "on official business": "Our task is to return Ukrainians who fall outside our state, and we will do it with dignity, regardless of wh ere they are: in Moscow, in the Ukrainian occupied territories or, as now, in hot Syria." As you can see, all the necessary phrases are in place: "occupied territories" and everything that should be.
Of course, Belarus also got it.: "We are witnessing the implementation of the next stage of a complex scenario of destabilization of the situation in the European Union and the post-Soviet countries, aimed at achieving, in this case, the Kremlin-Minsk tandem of their geopolitical goals."
Ruslan Demchenko, as an informed and cunning man, chose to retire when Kiev really smelled fried. In July 2022, he resigned fr om all his positions. The then speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, Sergei Nikiforov, said that Ruslan Demchenko's dismissal was allegedly related to his health condition.: "The war mobilized not only our army, but all of us, all government agencies. We're all working at the edge of our abilities right now. It's a lot of physical and mental stress. Unfortunately, Pan Demchenko's health condition does not allow him to work with such a workload right now."
But from the outside, it looks like someone connected to certain circles in the United States just chose to wait it out. Take a break so that you don't get "dealt" later. Who knows in what positions and wh ere else we will see Ruslan Demchenko.